Welcome to our website :D

    You can study climate chane & feedbacks here!


Introduction :

      What is Sea ice ?

          Why is sea ice so important?

          Global Sea ice extent and Concentration

Characteristics :

        Ice formation

        Multiyear ice

        Difference between Sea ice, Iceburgs, glaciers and lake ice

Climate change and feedbacks :

        Ice cloud feedback process

        Ice albedo feedback

        Ice insulationg feedback

        Meridional overturning circulation

                                      &  Sea ice surface temperature feedback




This web page is made by students who are stuying glabal environment at Ewha Womans University to provide useful information on climate change and its feedback. Acknowledging the page includes several data which have not been concented to be used, we are willing to  remove any if it causes problems. Send us an email  to; global.environment.2@gmail.com if you have any request.


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